Meet Thandi Maqubela

Meet Thandi Maqubela

Established lawyer, legal director and now, mother, Thandi Maq is an impressive and accomplished lady. Meeting her in her home in East London, we are lucky enough to meet both her and her newborn son, Marlow. The two of them are a bundle of smiles and warmth (Marlow admittedly a little more prone to crying). We caught up with Thandi on life since giving birth, maintaining a sense of style and the life lessons she wants to pass on to the next generation.


Thandi Maquabela | Vintage Josie 


What’s the best thing about being a new mother? 

The capacity for love knows no bounds. It’s something I’d read about and heard from friends who have children, of course the experience of it is altogether more pronounced. 


What one piece of advice would you give to expectant parents? 

Trust your instincts, you already know what’s best for your baby and keep the lines of communication open with your partner - this will be your life line in those more challenging times. 


Scarlet Posy Fleur 


What key life lessons do you want to pass on to your child? 

Be open to life’s experiences - you never know how they’ll change your life for good. 


We’d love to talk a little about keeping a sense of self whilst becoming a parent. What key aspects of your life before having a baby have you been intent on keeping now that you are a mother? 

I’m an avid runner and I get so much satisfaction from reading. My husband and I have found a happy balance (on most days) to make sure we both get to do some of the things we loved to do before our son was born - it’s important that both of us are able to keep our sense of self. It’s not always easy but the benefits outweigh the effort of making this work. 


Vintage Josie 


You have a very sophisticated sense of style, what are your tips for pulling together the perfect outfit? 

Having had three different body shapes in the space of a year - pre-pregnancy, pregnant and post - the over riding thing I’ve found is comfort, if I feel comfortable in something I’m more likely to move with confidence which in my view is what makes an outfit stand out in most cases. 


Which Spring 22 Pink City Prints piece is your favourite and why? 

 The print of the Fleur dress is gorgeous! 


Scarlet Posy Fleur 


Finally, can you describe your biggest outfit regret to us? 

 Low slung jeans with those turquoise and silver belts we used to sling over our hips in the 2000s - why why why?


Follow Thandi on Instagram @thandimaq

Letters from the Pink City

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